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Bergers Américains Miniatures

The chance of the paths made me cross these pretty bouilles ... it is sometimes thus that happiness points the tip of its nose ... or rather its truffle!


Miniature American Shepherds: overflowing love, lively and intelligent, you will find with them a constant companion - attentive and playful.


Inexhaustible playmate with the children, first starters for long walks or great sportsmen excellent for agility, fresbee and his favorite field: herd work! They will be all the more happy to be able to show you how smart they are in all of these activities.

All our dogs are an integral part of our family, of our lives. Accustomed to the commotion of the house and the children as well as to all our outings (sea, mountains, horse riding ... restaurants where they curl up at our feet without moving).


Patous, norfolk terriers, horses surround them, cats, chickens and goats are everyday friends. They know how to behave well in all situations. Our breeders are genetically tested and very few litters are planned for our bitches.


In your search for this new member of the family, we can only strongly advise you to go to a breeder ensuring a genetic guarantee. Proof of his seriousness and his strong ties with the breed association

We stay close to you for you help in your research

and advise you in your choices

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